EEM Education and Migration

General Skilled Migration Visas


The General Skilled Migration Visa is one of the most popular visa options for skilled workers or international graduates who can satisfy the Skills and Qualification requirements after completing their studies in Australia.

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa 491

Temporary Visa

Skilled Nominated Visa 190

Permanent Resident Visa

Skilled Independent Visa 189

Permanent Resident Visa

What can you do with General Skilled Migration Visas and what are their benefits?

For the 189 Visa and 190 Visa, they are Permanent Resident Visas which will allow you to live and work in Australia permanently and sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence. If eligible, you can apply to become an Australian citizen.

For the 491 Visa, it is a Temporary Visa which has a duration of 5 years. It gives you a pathway to applying for a Permanent Resident Visa (Subclass 191 Visa), 3 years after the grant date of your 491 Visa if you can satisfy the residence and income requirements. With the 491 Visa, there will be no limitations to the number of working hours and you will be eligible to join the Medicare system in Australia.

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General Skilled Migration

Embarking on a new journey after graduation? Australia offers various skilled migration pathways, designed to attract qualified individuals in sectors where there are skill shortages. At EEM Education and Migration, we understand that your education is a steppingstone towards a fulfilling career. In this guide, we break down the 189, 190, and 491 Visas to help you navigate your options.

Subclass 189 Visa: The Skilled Independent Visa

What is the 189 Visa?

The 189 Visa, or the Skilled Independent Visa, is for graduates who have qualifications and skills that are in demand in Australia but do not require sponsorship from an Australian state or territory.

Eligibility Criteria

Occupation: Your profession must be listed on the MLT Skilled Occupations List.

Skills Assessment: Pass a skills assessment specific to your occupation.

Age: You must be under 45 years at the time of application.

Language Proficiency: A competent level of English is essential.

Application Process

Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI through SkillSelect.

Invitation to Apply: If eligible, you will receive an invitation to apply.

Submit Visa Application: Within 60 days of the invitation, submit your application online.

Decision: After processing, you will be notified of your visa status.

Subclass 190 Visa: The Skilled Nominated Visa

What is the 190 Visa?

The 190 Visa, also known as the Skilled Nominated Visa, is for graduates who are nominated by an Australian state or territory.

Eligibility Criteria

Occupation: Must be on the Medium or Short Term Skilled Occupations List of the nominating state or territory.

Nomination: Obtain a nomination from an Australian state or territory.

Skills Assessment: Similar to the 189 Visa, a successful skills assessment is required.

Application Process

Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI through SkillSelect.

State Nomination: Apply for state nomination online.

Invitation and Application: Upon receiving an invitation, submit your visa application online.

Subclass 491 Visa: Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa

What is the 491 Visa?

The 491 Visa, also referred to as the Skilled Work Regional Visa, is designed for skilled workers who are nominated to live and work in designated regional areas of Australia.

Eligibility Criteria

Regional Nomination/Sponsorship: Obtain nomination from a state or territory, or sponsorship from an eligible family member residing in a designated regional area.

Occupation and Skills Assessment: Your occupation must be on the relevant skilled occupations list, and you must pass a skills assessment.

Application Process

Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI through SkillSelect.

Nomination/Sponsorship: Secure either state nomination or family sponsorship.

Invitation and Application: After receiving an invitation, you can proceed to submit your visa application.


Skilled migration to Australia offers a variety of pathways, whether you opt for direct skilled migration through the Skilled Independent Visa (189), state sponsorship via the Skilled Nominated Visa (190), or regional opportunities with the Skilled Work Regional (491) Visa. EEM Education and Migration is committed to offering personalized, professional advice tailored to your unique circumstances.

For a more tailored consultation on your post-graduation plans in Australia, feel free to contact us.

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